
Source Code

The source code for this site is released on my GitHub under the AGPL-3.0 License. While it's not required to credit me it you pull any code from it, I would appreciate one if you can.



All my projects have their own license associated with them:

  • Where the repository is on my GitHub you will find the license in the repository there and most likely displayed by GitHub too.
  • Where the source code is avaible but no license is given, let me know! It's probably my mistake and should be under an open source license. Until I confirm though, it's still supplied with no license.
  • Where the source code is not available and no license is given the project is not open source and is under my copyright.


All articles on my site are published with the intention of offering help and sharing my knowledge. As such you can use anything (such as code snippets) freely within your own work without attribution, although I would highly appreciate a credit if you feel like giving it.

If you want to reference anything in your own work that isn't a code snippet or directly posed as a tutorial or walthrough then you should credit me. You do not have permission to republish my articles on any other site/service claiming them as your own or by crediting me.